Indian head massage (Shirodhara)

The most recognizable Ayurvedic massage. This procedure is sometimes called the touch of an angel, it consists of pouring a stream of warm herb oil on the forehead and head. The head is the most important part of our body. If we compare the human body to a tree, the head is like the roots of a tree, the trunk is a trunk, and the limbs are like branches. The well-being of the whole tree depends on the roots. If you damage the tree's roots, it will be sick or even die. The head controls all body functions. This is where the control center - the brain - is where the nervous system entwines the whole body. Oil poured around the "third eye" (any chakra) stimulates specific centers in the brain and nervous system, which results in experiencing extremely deep relaxation, achieving inner peace and calmness. Why is this so important? Because according to Ayurveda, the cause of most diseases is an imbalance of mind. Shirodara is especially recommended for such ailments as chronic headaches, sleep problems, emotional problems (anxiety, fear, uncertainty, frustration, depression) and all types of psychosomatic disorders.